Food Forests with Manisha Lath Gupta
  • Growing food
  • Permaculture

Food Forests with Manisha Lath Gupta

  • Growing food
  • Permaculture

Food Forests with Manisha Lath Gupta

Trailer 1 min watch

About the course

From a barren piece of land to an abundant food forest, join Manisha at Aanandaa Permaculture Farm and follow the steps from spatial stacking, to growing and harvesting life-changing food.

Learning outcomes

  • Learn the basics of permaculture
  • Grow trees and crops together
  • Reduce chemical pesticides
  • Reduce chemical fertilisers
  • Cultivate polycultures
  • Increase soil health
  • Increase biodiversity
  • Grow organic food
  • Build climate resilience

Course modules

  1. Module 1: Why Permaculture?

    4 min
  2. Module 2: Spatial Stacking for Forest Design

    7 min
  3. Module 3: Planting your Forest

    12 min
  4. Module 4: Know your Zones

    7 min
  5. Module 5: Welcome to the Food Forest

    9 min
  6. Module 6: Mulching & Maintenance

    5 min
  7. Module 7: Life Changing Food

    6 min
+101 members


  • Location: Haryana, India
  • Biome: Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests
  • Modules: 7
  • Duration: 50 minutes

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About Manisha Lath Gupta

A practitioner and teacher from India, Manisha Lath Gupta has been practising permaculture for over ten years at Aanandaa Permaculture Farm.

Manisha Lath Gupta_Earthed Course


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Earthed courses are online and on-demand so you can learn wherever you are and at your own pace.

This is an introductory course that welcomes everyone to discover the skills and impact of growing a food forest.

If you’re an expert, you may still find this course contains a top tip or valuable piece of insight. And the course is a great way to connect with other food forests locally and globally and share your knowledge, experience, and encouragement.

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