Nature is Free and So Are We: Environmental Education for All

Earthed is thrilled to announce that access to its online video classes and community area is now completely open-access and free.

We are marking our one year anniversary by stepping up our mission to remove barriers to education and access to nature, making it even easier for people globally to participate in ecosystem restoration. 

Ruby and Christabel Reed (pictured above) founded Earthed alongside Cara Delevingne

“Over the last year, we have seen our message reach over 4 million people globally, with 55,000 visitors to our charity site and close to 3,000 members taking online classes, led by some of the most inspiring nature leaders globally”, shares Christabel Reed, Earthed co-founder. “It’s clear to us that people want to learn how they can actively participate in restoring nature or growing food, and having a global open-access platform makes that easier than ever. We have always welcomed members who were not able to make donations, but we live in a time-economy, and we can now give people access to the content they want, for free, exactly when they want it.”

“We hope that this makes it as clear as possible – we need everyone, everywhere to participate in a mass-mobilised ecosystem restoration movement. It doesn’t matter whether you build biodiversity in a windowsill box or a farm, we all have the power to bring nature back into our lives. Stop waiting to sow that seed, attend that local clean-up, restore your local river. Time is against us, but with the right skills and community support, we can restore nature and make every balcony, river, city and forest burst with life.”

Some of the courses available on the Earthed platform

Please join us in celebrating one year of Earthed by spreading the word that we can all be nature guardians! Together, we are making our radical imaginations of a world where nature and communities thrive, a reality.